Go for the Gold with New Cabinets!


Score! The Olympics are here once again, and we’re as excited as anyone else. There’s something about nations coming together for healthy competition that makes us excited and proud to be where we’re from. While you’re enjoying the games, go for the gold with a new look to your home! N-Hance has a game winning solution to fresh cabinets that has people racing for their phones!

For the participating athletes, the Olympic games are the ultimate test of their worth. Performing well means everything to them. In a similar way, N-Hance is so passionate about renewing the wood in your home that we go all out! Whether it’s as simple as cleaning up your cabinets, are changing the entire color scheme of your kitchen, we have what you need

So give us a call today at (724) 421-6887, and we’ll get back to you in record time!