Love Your Cabinets

February, the month of love, is almost over! If you want to refinish your kitchen cabinets with a color you’ll love, trust N-Hance!

Here at N-Hance, we offer a wide variety of services. To start, we have a basic cabinet renewal. This requires no shifting or change of the color, and shows minimal wear on the wood surface. In short, you will have the best version of your cabinets.

Next we offer cabinet color shifts. Looking to warm up the tone of your wood cabinets in these cold winter months? This is the option for you! Our cabinet color shift remove the yellowing look that aged cabinets get. Save money while achieving a great look!

Go Pink for Valentine’s?

OK, maybe you don’t want pink cabinets, but with our custom color finishes, you can have virtually any color you’d like! With options ranging from white all the way to grey, you have the power to choose your favorite color! For an exciting new look, with a color you’ll love, call us today!