If you’ve recently partnered with N-Hance Wood Refinishing of Solano County for your kitchen cabinet refacing, your goal is more than just showcasing your revamped kitchen. You aim to safeguard your cabinet investments and ensure they endure for a long time. To assist residents in Fairfield, Suisun City, Dixon, and nearby communities in maintaining the radiant appearance of their refaced cabinets, we provide the following crucial care advice.

Newly Refaced Cabinet Care Tips

  1. Keep Your Cabinets Clean and Dry

Although your refaced cabinets are coated with a finish built to endure the unavoidable kitchen splashes and spills, they’re not immune to damage. Cleaning up spills, splatter, grease, or grime promptly is crucial to prevent them from compromising your cabinets. Establish a biweekly routine of wiping your cabinets, even if they appear clean, to remove any lurking dirt or grease.

  1. Select the Right Cleaning Tools & Solutions

Despite your refaced cabinets being likely to get dirty quickly due to frequent usage and activity, you don’t need to turn to harsh cleaning agents. Cleaning products with abrasive ingredients or ammonia and bleach can damage the cabinet surface, leaving them looking dull.

Opt for a mildly damp cloth with a few drops of gentle dish soap and water. Avoid using rough fabrics or steel wool that could scratch the cabinet surface. Instead, gently wipe your cabinets using a soft cloth, like microfiber. Afterward, thoroughly dry them using a fresh, clean cloth.

  1. Avoid Water Damage

Water can pose a considerable risk to your refaced cabinets. Avoid using overly wet sponges when cleaning. The excess water could potentially harm the finish of your cabinets. Also, avoid hanging damp cloths or towels over the cabinet doors. Always dry your cabinets with a soft, dry cloth after cleaning to keep moisture at bay.

  1. Protect Cabinets from Extreme Conditions

Keep your cabinets safe from extreme conditions such as intense heat, steam, or cooking smoke, which can cause discoloration and other damage.

For example, if a cabinet is situated above your stove, always turn on the fan while cooking. This action will protect your cabinets from moisture, gases, cooking substances, smoke, and excessive heat.

  1. Refrain from Polishing Your Refaced Cabinets

While it might seem a good idea, refrain from waxing or polishing your refaced cabinets. Wax and polish can accumulate over time, dulling the cabinet surface and attracting dust and dirt, which can tarnish the finish’s appearance.

  1. Handle Your Cabinets with Care

Refaced cabinets are designed to resist the busy kitchen environment, but they still require gentle handling. Avoid slamming or forcefully opening cabinet doors and drawers, as this can lead to indents, cracks, scratches, and other imperfections.

Similarly, avoid leaning on or against the cabinet doors, as this could result in broken door hinges or fasteners being pulled out of the doors or cabinet boxes.

  1. Protect from Direct Sunlight

Direct sunlight, while creating a warm and inviting kitchen atmosphere, can fade your cabinet finish over time. If your kitchen layout exposes your cabinets to direct sunlight, consider window treatments to reduce the exposure.

Ready for a Cabinet Makeover?

If you’re intrigued by the prospect of cabinet refacing, the professionals at N-Hance Wood Refinishing of Solano County are eager to assist you. We can help you navigate your options, from door styles and colors to hardware and upgrades.

Once you’ve finalized your design decisions, we can complete your cabinet refacing project within a few days. With proper maintenance, your revitalized cabinets will continue to add beauty to your kitchen for many years.

Don’t hesitate to rejuvenate your kitchen. Call N-Hance Wood Refinishing of Solano County today at 707-751-0170 to schedule a complimentary consultation. Let us revamp the look of your cabinets and entire kitchen with our top-tier cabinet refacing services. For residents of Fairfield, Suisun City, Dixon, and surrounding areas, your dream kitchen is just a phone call away.