Archive by Author

Spring Kitchen Renovation

  This Spring season, while you’re busy cleaning the house, let us come over and make your kitchen shine! With our revolutionary wood renewal service, N-Hance can bring back the original luster of your cabinets or wood floors in no time! The best part? There is no dust or mess whatsoever! This means we won’t […]

Harsh Winter Leads to Worn Floors

Has the harsh winter made your once-beautiful hardwood floors look like the deck outside? We understand where you’re coming from. That’s why, at N-Hance, we don’t replace or refinish (leaving your pockets empty), we use a revolutionary process, renewing those pieces of your home that tie everything together so well. When it comes to renewing […]

New Year, New Kitchen

2017 is looking to be a great year! If you’re struggling to find a New Year’s Resolution that will make a lasting difference, we’ve got you covered! N-Hance is changing the home improvement game. With options ranging from basic cabinet renewal, all the way to custom color finishes, we have everything you need to make […]

Holiday Cabinet Renewal

The Holidays are here! That means family visits, traveling, presents and much more!   Everyone has been worrying about the next good gift to get their family. With Black Friday and Cyber Monday deals, it’s hard to know where to go to get the best value around. N-Hance has been changing the game of home […]

Cabinet Refinishing for Halloween!

Halloween Refinishing Once again, it’s that time of year! The leaves are changing, dusty Halloween decorations are coming out, and people are preparing for the local trick-or-treaters. In the midst of scary movies, and spooky costumes, the last thing you want is to be scared by the wear and tear of your cabinets! If you […]

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