cabinet painting huxley

As the leader for kitchen cabinet painting in Huxley N-Hance of Ames is here to help with all your summer projects.  Our specialty is home improvement for an affordable price.

If you are wanting to make your dream kitchen a reality this summer we are here for you.  Summer is such a great time to start on any home projects you have been dying to start.  Here are a couple ideas to get you started!

Summer Home Projects 

  1. Start on some deep cleaning!  If you have the extra time you can even mix up your own cleaning solutions with natural ingredients to use throughout the year.
  1. Spend a little extra time outside!  Water your yard, trim some dead branches, mow the lawn, or plant some new flowers in your yard.
  1. Transform your kitchen cabinets with cabinet painting in Huxley, IA.
  1. Have damaged areas or holes in your walls?  Touch them up and add a fresh coat of paint.
  1. Clean out your closets and cupboards.  Get rid of clutter by donated items you haven’t used in a while.
  1. Try power washing the outside of your home and driveway.  You will be amazed at the difference it can make!
  1. Get your carpets professionally cleaned.
  1. Clean out your rain gutters or hire someone to do it for you.
  1. Wash the inside and outside of your windows. 
  1. Replace filters and have large appliances like your HVAC unit serviced. 

Cabinet Painting in Huxley, IA

This summer season and year round, we look forward to serving you with kitchen cabinet painting in Huxley, IA

Schedule your FREE estimate for cabinet painting today!