If you’re like us, you love tackling home improvement projects. Curiosity often leads you to Google, where you search for the best ways to learn new skills that you can put to use on your next big idea. 

One of the biggest projects that can make a significant impact in your home is a kitchen remodel. One of the key decisions you’ll make is a kitchen cabinet refinish or color change. So for all of you do-it-yourselfers out there, here’s a simple break down of what you can expect from the N-Hance of Central Coast cabinet refinishing process, from start to finish. 

The Steps Of Our Classic Wood Refinishing Process:

Most wood refinishing companies offer a variety of cabinet renewal and color change services. The following steps are based off of a full cabinet color change, but the process will be very similar for a cabinet refinish. N-Hance of Central Coast in Santa Barbara is proud to offer a variety of choices when it comes home remodeling.

Step 1 – Prepping the Wood

We always start with a free in-home estimate and consultation to make sure we’re on the same page so we can deliver exactly what you’re dreaming of for your kitchen cabinets. Once these important conversations have been had and we have the green light, we’ll get to work! 

We’ll first be sure to protect the rest of your home by taping off and draping the work area. We’ll also remove hardware and knobs from the cabinets that are to be refinished. Next, we’ll patch any cracks or blemishes in the wood to make sure we have a clean canvas before putting any type of finish on your cabinets. 

Step 2 – Cleaning the Wood

It’s crucial to remove any dust or debris from your cabinets prior to applying a finish. Our unique cleaning solution draws deep dirt from the porous surface of the wood, and doesn’t leave behind harmful residue. 

But we don’t stop there. We go the extra mile by removing and cleaning air vents to make sure the area remains dust-free throughout the refinishing process. N-Hance of Central Coast is one of few companies to offer this extra service that ensure the quality of the refinishing work that we do.

Step 3 – Apply Color To Cabinets

We always make sure your cabinets are completely clean and apply a sealant before applying a finish. For a cabinet color change, we spray three to five coats on each cabinet. Color coats are applied by hand, not sprayed, for color shift cabinet projects

We’ll dry your cabinets with an industrial strength fan, then polish the cabinets prior to adding a finish. 

Step 4 – Apply A Protective Finish

Next, we’ll apply two layers of clear coat to protect the stain. 

Step 5 – Quality Check

We expect the highest quality work, just like you do. That’s why we take time to make sure you’re satisfied with the results by inspecting each cabinet. The project isn’t finished until you’ve said you’re happy with the results. As part of our full customer satisfaction guarantee, we’ll do whatever it takes to leave you with perfect kitchen cabinets. 

Step 6 – Maintenance Checkup

When you kitchen cabinet refinish is complete, we won’t leave you high and dry! We’ll give you care instructions and a maintenance kit to care for your new cabinets. 

Ready To Tackle Your Kitchen Cabinet Remodel? N-Hance of Central Coast is Here For You

We know you’re a go-getter, but when it comes to a big project like kitchen cabinet renewal, why not leave the hard work to us? Our process leaves no drips, no bleed-through, no streaks, and gives you a rock hard finish that won’t peel or chip. Plus, with hundreds of colors to choose from, you’re sure to find the perfect shade for your dream kitchen. 

So what are you waiting for? Schedule your free, in-home estimate with N-Hance of Central Coast in Santa Barbara! 
Quality is our promise, but you don’t have to take our word for it. See what customers are saying about N-Hance of Central Coast!