How many different cabinet colors are there? Well a color theorist might correct us on this, but it seems pretty close to an infinite number. That’s why it’s so difficult to figure out which one is the right choice for your kitchen or bathroom. Lucky for you, the skilled team here at N-Hance Wood Refinishing of Fort Wayne are cabinet color experts and can help you decide which is the best way to go with your next cabinet color change in 2022.

First and foremost, you need to know that the best way to change your cabinet colors is not cabinet painting. In fact, it’s a cabinet refinishing from our skilled team. The first part of our whole process involves breaking down the color options we offer. We’re going to get you started with that today by breaking down a few of our more popular choices for cabinet colors. If you don’t see what you’re looking for, please get in contact with us today for a breakdown of the color you’re going for.


We aren’t talking about bedazzling a cabinet, or one specific color here, but we are talking about the colors of your favorite gemstones. It could be blue like a sapphire, green like an emerald, red like a ruby, etc. Plenty of people choose a jewel tone because they are bold and clearly mark your personality. You might even choose the color of your own birthstone. However, this can be a turn off to potential buyers so if you’re changing your cabinet colors in an effort to sell your home in 2022 then you might want to go with a more classic color.

White and Light Grey/Silver

Here is a great example of a more classic color and tone. White and lighter shades of grey and silver are a great look that a potential buyer could see and either see potential or the look they really want. The downside is that they do show dirt and damage more easily which can be a big frustration of any homeowner. Luckily, the more visible the dirt, the easier it is to clean right? All in all, if you’re looking to give yourself a classic and beautiful look, you can’t go wrong by refinishing them in a nice white or lighter shade of grey.

freshly refinished cabients

Black or Charcoal/Dark Grey

Bold yet classic. That’s the perfect way to describe these cabinets. Black is both a modern trend and a classic look so it really is a great color to express your personality and attract potential home buyers. The problems would be that it can make your kitchen feel a little smaller and a little darker, plus they do show dirt and cleaning will become more frequent. If you don’t mind that though, or have a bigger and brighter kitchen that you want to tone down a bit, this is what you can look forward to with some black cabinets in your kitchen.

cabinet painting in fort wayne 46804

Blues and Greens of any Shade

You might have seen teal cabinets in a 1950’s or 60’s kitchen and bathroom, and you can certainly see them in a 2022 home. Same goes for pretty much any shade of blue or green. They’re some of our favorite colors to work with. When we refinish your cabinets in a nice blue color, you’ll get a nice bold kitchen that doesn’t look tacky in the least. Again, they make more of a statement and might take away from a classic, less personalized look that a potential home buyer might be looking for. But if you’re planning on sticking around well after 2022, then by all means, let us refinish your cabinets in a blue or green!

basil colored cabinets after they were refinished

Get Crazy with Two Colors

Why not try a combination of a couple colors? Two-tone cabinet refinishing is one of our specialties! Not every combination will work though and we will advise you on what would really look good while trying to stay true to your vision. We typically recommend using white as your base because it will go with everything, but it really doesn’t matter. Whether it’s green, red, or blue for a bold look, or a sliver, grey, or black for a more understated one, you’ll love the look of a two-tone kitchen.

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Refinish Your Cabinets in Fort Wayne Today!

So what do you think? Are you ready to refinish your cabinets in the color of your dreams? If not the please take a look at our free Color Trends digital book. It will give you additional insights into the most popular colors and trends from top designers in the cabinet industry.

To get started, all you have to do is call us at (260) 341-6671. We’ll hook you up with a free consultation to discuss your ideal colors and goals for your cabinets. The entire team here at N-Hance Wood Refinishing of Fort Wayne is looking forward to your call.