Proudly Serving North San Diego County

Transform Your Home With the San Diego Refinishing Experts

Discover the cutting edge and cost-effective cabinet and floor refinishing solutions offered by N-Hance of North San Diego County. Our revolutionary approach revitalizes the wood in your residence, eliminating dust, disruption, and harmful fumes commonly associated with conventional methods. Say goodbye to tired looking cabinets and floors, and opt for N-Hance’s convenient and stress-free refinishing experience.

When you choose N-Hance to renew your San Diego home’s floors and cabinets, you’re making an environmentally conscious selection that reduces waste and minimizes your ecological impact. Our services conserve natural resources and require less wood compared to refacing or replacing. N-Hance’s dedication to sustainability extends to our use of high-performance, low-VOC water-based polyurethane finishes that are both safe for you and the planet. Let N-Hance revitalize, preserve, and conserve your home’s wooden surfaces while reducing your environmental footprint.

Revive Your Kitchen with N-Hance’s Quality Cabinet Refinishing Services

Transform your cabinets with N-Hance’s wood refinishing services, which can breathe new life into them, restore their natural charm, or give them a contemporary facelift. You can expect a stunning, long-lasting finish that can withstand years of use, resembling a factory-like quality. Call today to discover more about our cabinet refinishing solutions for homeowners here in San Diego.

The Premier Choice for Cabinet Door Replacement across San Diego

San Diego homeowners can upgrade their kitchen with a little help from N-Hance’s cabinet door replacement experts. We can revitalize the overall look and feel of your kitchen, and we can do it at a significantly lower cost than a full remodel.

Refinished Floors

Unbeatable Floor Refinishing from the San Diego Experts

Let N-Hance’s refinishing process revive the beauty and shine of your hardwood floors. Our wood floor refinishing process is not limited to sandable floors only, but also works on non-sandable floors like bamboo, cork, and even certain types of engineered flooring.

Protect your Cabinets and Floors with Lightspeed® Nano Instant-Cure Refinishing

Transforming your wood surfaces doesn’t have to take weeks. With N-Hance’s Lightspeed(r) technology, we can complete the process in just a matter of days. After applying our specialized color product, our technology utilizes UV light to instantly cure a final, robust topcoat onto your cabinets or floors. This ensures that your surfaces are 100% ready for immediate use once we are done, saving you time and hassle.

Choose N-Hance of North San Diego County and Get Your Dream Kitchen

Get the beauty and durability you dream of and the convenience and affordability you desire with N-Hance wood refinishing. Call today to talk to an expert and get a free estimate.

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