If you are looking to do a renovation project in your kitchen, but the high-end price tag of purchasing brand new cabinets isn’t in your budget, then N-Hance of Palm Beach & Martin County has the perfect solution for you with our cabinet refinishing in Belle Glade, Florida.

Kitchens are one of the most impactful rooms when it comes to the value of your home and with multiple upgrades, the cost can add up quickly. Fortunately, by refinishing your kitchen cabinets, you can put precious dollars back into your pocket by improving the function, style, and durability of your cabinets for a fair price. 

If you are unsure that your cabinets are ready to be refinished in Belle Glade, Florida, then here are 5 signs that they are:

1 – Your cabinets are outdated or no longer in style. 

The easiest and most noticeable sign that your cabinets need to be refinished is if they look like they belong in another decade. Cabinets are a key element of your kitchen design, so make sure that yours are up to date to get the most out of your remodel.

2 – Your cabinet doors don’t function right.

Another common sign that the function of your cabinets could use a boost is if you have misaligned cabinet fronts and sagging hinges. As a part of our cabinet refinishing process, N-Hance of Palm Beach & Martin County will make repairs to your cabinets so they once again function for your needs.

3 – Overall, your cabinets are in decent condition.

Cabinets that are in good shape, but lack style or function are perfect candidates for cabinet refinishing. Rather than tearing out all of your existing cabinets and wasting remodeling dollars, update your cabinet fronts for a fraction of the cost.

4 – Your kitchen layout works for your needs. 

If the flow of your kitchen layout works for you, then refinishing your cabinets is a great option as it won’t impact the layout of your kitchen. Cabinet refinishing is a cost-effective option to change the exterior o your cabinets.

5 – You have a budget to stick to.

We understand your frustrations at how quickly kitchen remodel costs can up to tens of thousands of dollars or more, that’s a big reason why we offer more affordable options! You no longer have to be discouraged by such a large price tag. Instead, update your cabinets with the budget-friendly option of kitchen cabinet refinishing.

Cabinet Refinishing In Belle Glade, Florida

Are your cabinets good candidates for kitchen cabinet refinishing? If so, why wait? You can enjoy the kitchen of your dreams quickly and for a reasonable cost with N-Hance of Palm Beach & Martin County.

Get a FREE price estimate today if you are ready to start your cabinet refinishing project!