Wood finishes in the home are beautiful pieces, and also require ongoing maintenance to keep common wear and smudges from turning into lasting damage. 

Cleaning and polishing cabinets is a simple but critically important part of ensuring your cabinets last and look their best. And when your cabinets need a more extensive restoration, we can take care of you with professional cabinet refinishing in Jupiter, Florida

Let’s take a look at our recommendations for cleaning and polishing your cabinets, and best practices to implement in your routine. 

Simple Solutions For Cabinet Cleaning And Polishing 

  • Every so often, empty your cabinets before cleaning them. This provides an opportunity to clean the inside of your cabinets and inspect the inner structure for damage, warping, or mold. 
  • Start by dusting your cabinets using a soft cloth. Eliminating cobwebs, crumbs, dust, and dirt helps protect your cabinet finish and also ensure the polish goes on smoothly. 
  • Use a small, soft bristle brush dipped in dish soap and warm water to get rid of tough grime and caked on stains. Pay particular attention to crevices and tough to reach areas. 
  • Apply the polish using a clean, soft cloth. There are many polishes on the market designed for wood cabinets, like Murphy’s Oil Soap. We also recommend making your own solutions. Our favorites are half water, half vinegar for cleaning and half vegetable oil, half vinegar for polish. 
  • Polishing not only helps cabinets shine, but also strengthens and protects the finish against future damage and stains. When applying the polish, use one cloth to cover the cabinets from top to bottom then buff the cabinets until they shine using another clean cloth. 

Cabinet Refinishing In Jupiter, Florida

Cleaning and polishing are some of the most important ways you can preserve your cabinets for the future. And when you’re looking for a more extensive restoration or change, we can help with cabinet refinishing in Jupiter, Florida

We specialize in highlighting and restoring the beauty of existing cabinets for a transformation that achieves both your budget and design dreams. 

Schedule your free estimate today to get started with cabinet refinishing in Jupiter, Florida!