N-Hance Blog

The Color Possibilities With Cabinet Refinishing

When it comes to your kitchen design, you want anything but cookie-cutter. Even if you love neutral colors and classic choices, it’s still the dream to have a kitchen that’s all your own.  With N-Hance, you don’t have to spend top dollar for a custom kitchen. We’re experts at refinishing kitchen cabinets in a way […]

7 Tips To Make The Cabinet Painting Process Easier

Some home improvement projects require more than simply watching a YouTube tutorial video before taking it on yourself. Painting cabinets is one of those tasks that may seem easy enough upfront, but actually requires more than meets the eye.  If you do plan on applying a new custom color finish to your cabinets, here are […]

How Classic Cabinet Refinishing Can Help You Achieve Your 2020 New Year’s Resolutions

We just rang in 2020, which means it’s that time when many people are focused on fresh beginnings and how to make the most out of their upcoming year. The tradition of making New Year’s resolutions is about more than just getting a gym membership or changing your diet. All of these goals are meant […]

The Difference Between Cabinet Refinishing, Resurfacing And Replacing

The Difference Between Cabinet Refinishing, Resurfacing And Replacing When considering a kitchen upgrade, there are many different options to weigh. N-Hance offers a full range of cabinet restoration options that are sure to meet your needs. But how can you best determine which option is right for you and your home?  Let’s take a look […]

5 Reasons Why White Kitchen Cabinets Remain So Popular

5 Reasons Why White Kitchen Cabinets Remain So Popular You’ve probably seen countless photos of beautiful white kitchens all over Instagram, Pinterest, and in your favorite design magazines.  For decades, white kitchen cabinets have been at the top of remodeling wishlists. It’s clear that white cabinets are a favorite among homeowners, investors, and designers alike. […]

3 Budget-Friendly Ways To Transform Kitchen Cabinets

Kitchen cabinets are often the first thing on a homeowner’s remodeling wishlist—and for good reason. In fact, new kitchen cabinets make a significant impact on the feel of a home more than just about anything else.  The good news is, a conservative budget doesn’t mean you have to settle for anything less than a kitchen […]

What Makes Back-To-School The Perfect Time For Cabinet Refinishing?

Having a tough time fitting a cabinet refinishing project into your busy schedule? If you’ve been struggling to find the time—especially with kids in the house—consider how back-to-school season could be your perfect window of opportunity!  Restore Your Cabinets With N-Hance The thought of having your kitchen under construction to refinish cabinets may seem inconvenient […]

Benefits Of The N-Hance Cabinet Refinishing Process

If you spend any time on design blogs or watching home improvement shows, you understand the value of a kitchen remodel. You’ve probably also learned how cabinet refinishing can benefit homeowners greatly—by both boosting the value of your home and also being easy on your budget.  So why choose the N-Hance cabinet refinishing process? Here’s […]

How N-Hance Transforms Dated Cabinets In 3 Simple Steps

You’ve probably noticed that house flipping and restoration projects are all the hype these days. But have you ever wondered how this could be possible in your Sioux Falls home, especially if you don’t have a hefty remodeling budget?  Homeowners throughout the Sioux Falls community are enjoying the beauty of an updated kitchen at a […]

N-Hance Makes Spring Cleaning Easier With Cabinet Refinishing

Master duo Maryal and Chris Carter are known for sharing affordable home improvement, decor, and DIY tips on their platform Love and Specs. Homeowners across the globe turn to this pair for tips on the best services out there, so it’s no surprise they recently shared why they gladly recommend N-Hance custom color cabinet refinishing […]

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